Accessibility policy
The International Polar Foundation does its best to be accessible to the widest range of people and users. If you have anything to say regarding the accessibility or standard compliance of this website, please let us know.
Accessibility features
- All font sizes are specified with relative units for easy resizing;
- Secondary information comes after the main content of the page so the content is higher in the pages source code and thus more accessible to screen reader users;
- A "skip navigation link" is featured on each page, enabling user to jump to the content of the page without having to tab through each link of the main navigation;
- No pop-up windows are used if javascript is not supported by your browser (as it is the case for most screen readers).
The site is built to modern web standards and accessibility guidelines (WCAG 1.0.)
- Cynthia SaysTM reports WCAG 1.0 compliance on most pages;
- The site uses structured HTML markup, providing semantic value through the use of headings, paragraphs, lists, and other structural elements;
- The site validates as XHTML 1.0 Transitional (allthough it is served as text/html for the time being)