The Arctic crossing expedition 2006
From 03.03.2006 to 09.06.2006 - Status: abandoned
Jean-Gabriel Leynaud and Bettina Aller © - Bettina Aller 2006
© International Polar Foundation
Jean-Gabriel Leynaud and Bettina Aller will be flown up to the northern Siberia (Cap Arktichesky), now in February month.The aim is to cross the Arctic Ocean on skies with everything we need after us in our pulkas (sledges.) We will start from Russia, ski to the North pole, and continue further on to Canada.
About 2000 km. Of snow, ice and ocean will be our home for the coming 100 days. One of the most remote and inhuman places on planet earth, with drifting ice, high pack ice, open water, polar bears, polar foxes, seals, and a temperature down to 50 below zero.
"Never ever again" said the French, when they reached, on the 1st of may 2004, the geographic North pole after having skied 58 days from Siberia. They are doing it again, and this time they aim twice the distance!
This time they will start earlier than in 2004. That means that they, the first time on the ice, will have 24 hours of dark cold polar night. That is probably going to be a kind of a challenge for the both of them. The reason for starting early is that they will need ice on the Canadian side. If there is too much open water, it will be a BIG challenge!