Subglacial Lake Ellsworth (British scientists & engineers)
In December 2012, a group of British scientists and engineers plan to drill through 3 kil of ice into a buried lake called subglacial Lake Ellsworth.
They aim to search for life forms in the isolated water as well as clues to past climate in the lake-bed sediments. This is an amazing project and one of the highlights of our austral summer season.
Below are all the news we published about the Subglacial Lake Ellsworth (British scientists & engineers) expedition
Subglacial lake Ellsworth : Mission called off for this season
Published on 29.01.2013
According to the british researchers in charge of the project "Subglacial Lake Ellsworth", circumstances have not worked out as they would have wished ; therefore they took the decision to stop the drilling. For the time being.