Solo on the classical Hercules Inlet - South Pole (Richard Parks)

After having retired from international rugby because of an injury, welshman Richard Parks has become the first person to succeed in reaching the seven summits as well as both North and South Poles in less than one year.


Below are all the news we published about the Solo on the classical Hercules Inlet - South Pole (Richard Parks) expedition

  • Richard Parks : dream is over

    Published on 28.01.2013

    On 25 January, after having walked solo 974 kils out of the total distance of 1 200 kils that exists between Hercules Inlet and the SP, Briton R. Parks has announced that he had to abandon his South Pole Ski expedition. One of the most difficult decisions he had to make. All polar explorers agree on this setback

  • Parks : on his way to the plateau

    Published on 26.12.2012

    Richard Parks has begun his trek Hercules Inlet - South Pole on 18 December. The climbing out of Hercules Inlet was rather tough, according to Richard's blog.

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Antarctic 2012-2013 - ongoing

25.10.2012 -

Sir Ranulph Fiennes is back in the Antarctic for a world first. He will lead a team of explorers to conquer…

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