Gamme : as regular as clockwork
Published on 09.12.2011 - Antarctica 2011- 2012
Despite his so called hallucinations (with the penguins the other day), TO Aleksander Gamme seems to be scheduled like a computer : he is doing 27 km every day.
27 km on day 37, 27 km the day after, 27 km on 7 December (day 39) and 27 km (ten hours) on day 40, 8 December.
Despite his injuries (he suffers from stomach ache and has badly chapped leggs), Gamme is feeling the most happy man in the world. He has chosen to be positive. Finally the Norwegian traveller has found a daily routine. In every step of his daily doings.
Routine when he skies all day (listening at music and thinking about himself, taking a break when he feels tired), routine when he 'cooks' the evening meal and when he prepares himself fo the night in the tent, routine when he wakes up at 7.45 am and routine when he packs all the luggage in his sled.
On 8 December, he wakes up at about 30 km from the Thiel Mountains (the night before he hadn't seen anything because of the white out), "one of the most spectacular landscape" he has ever seen in his life.