A travelling circus…

Published on 11.05.2009 - Baffin Babes

Right in the middle of nowhere, out there somewhere in the wondrous icy Arctic landscape, the girls suddenly came across a travelling circus. In fact, it was the world's only Arctic circus! And they couldn't believe their eyes...

The four Baffin Babes are continuing on their way towards the north of Baffin Island. And as they go, they are able to admire the amazing scenery as it unfolds in all its magnificence before their disbelieving eyes. "We are not far from giant icebergs," wrote Kristin on 10th May. "From a distance, they look like huge sailing ships cruising over the frozen ocean. Then, as we get closer, these icebergs turn into gleaming diamonds... Tromso fjord, the Sturmann and Bergersen islands, Isbjorn strait and the port of Maud are a succession of marvels they we have had the privilege of seeing as we go..."

But the highlight of this past week was no doubt meeting up with the travelling circus on its way from Pond Inlet to Clyde River. There were twenty to so Inuits on skidoos who came out to greet them. There was a pack of dogs with them as well. "Suddenly, there was a whole bunch of people everywhere," wrote Ingebjoerg on 6th May. "Everyone was laughing, the children shouting and playing, the dogs were all excited and barking, turning it all into a colourful circus all around us. We thought we were dreaming. But, no... It really was a travelling circus called 'Artcirq' on its way to perform at Clyde River!. They danced and sang for us, giving us great energy. It was a truly unforgettable moment..."

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