Against all odds
Published on 16.03.2007 - Mars North Pole Solo
While Liv and Ann had to abandon their expedition due to serious frostbites, Rosie Stancer has had better chance. Despite the horrid progression conditions, she has gotten over the hurdle of the first few kilometres and is well on her way.
The Englishwoman Rosie Stancer is currently on her 8th day of progression. As the ice conditions are appalling and the temperature almost unbearable (50° C at night and a little warmer during the day), she is progressing quite slowly, covering a dozen miles at most per day.
On March 12th, we discovered on her daily blog that due to the cold, the sledge was not gliding well. She wrote: "Its is as though I were pulling a bathtub full of rugby players in soft sand...".
As far as her health goes, she too is beginning to develop frostbites on her fingers. Since the Twin Otter has gone to fetch Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnessen, Rosie has asked the team to drop off some antibiotics which she could use as preventive medicine should any infection arise. The operation was a success.
On March 14th, her position was of: 83°16' N / 74°011' W.