All The Teams Have Drifted Westwards
Published on 31.03.2010 - Icecap Journeys
The team led by the young Sarah McNair-Landry is following the example of all the other teams in the area, which are literally drifting on account of a strong westwardly drift.
Imagine the scene of the 28th day, 27 March in fact: the three expeditionaries have progressed 7.4 miles nautical (13.7 kilometres) towards the North while, at the same time, the pack ice, carried by the wind, has moved 2.7 kilometres towards the West. Christina Franco for example is subject to the same drift and is wondering what she has to do in such circumstances.
But leaving aside this drift problem, it seems that the ice is continuing to be older than it was during the first two weeks of the trek, and that navigation was a little easier that day, they write in their blogs, even if they have encountered a lot of interstitial water channels and some gigantic hummocks.
As the trio sends out news only every three or four days, we suspect that they prefer to concentrate on their headway rather than to communicate with the outside world. And that they are trying to get as much rest as possible, once back in their tent in the evening.