Breaking previous distance records day after day
Published on 21.11.2011 - The Scott Amundsen Centenary Race
Both teams are progressing well improving almost daily their distances records. Although from time to time they have to stay in tent for half a day.
Day 19, 21 November : With a 12.1 Nm on the counter, they break all previous distance records ; this is due to an excellent sledging conditions. 81° south mark crossed. 121.9 Nm done, 535 Nm to go.
Day 18, 20 November : Conditions are improving, best distance so far with 11.3 Nm in the pocket !
Day 17, 19 November : Excerpts : "...Listening to the light-hearted reports that we receive each day, it’s easy to forget that the guys face real adversity down there in the Antarctic, and are at all times subject to the will of Mother Nature. But you would not know it from the reports of either team. No one grumbles about the extreme cold, and we have come to regard their high morale as the norm. Their talent for cheerful understatement and no-nonsense attitude makes us all proud. No doubt Scott and Amundsen would be proud too." Quite bad terrain conditions.
Day 16, 18 November : Most enertaining reports written by Lou Rudd, talking of pair of pants, wooden nose pegs, snow bath, etc.
Day 15, 17 November : Ever-strenghtening progress with another record today with 10.7 Nm on the counter, perfect weather, according to Henry, they start to be "in tune with the rythm of the journey"
Day 14, 16 November : 'Cracking day' because they notch 10.1 Nm, their best distance yet.
Day 13, 15 November : rest day.
Day 12, 14 November : Today, they crossed the 80° South mark, 68.8 Nm done so far, 600 Nm to go.
Day 11, 13 November : Exceptionally kind weather, mild temperatures, excellent surface to ski on, 9.1 Nm done, tomorrow they should cross degree 80.
Day 19, 21 November : Poignant day for the Scott team especially, as they pass the place where the bodies of Scott, Bowers and Wilson were found, having tragically perished 100 years ago, just 11 miles from the next supply depot. 142.5 Nm done, 607 Nm to go. They have done 21 Nm more than the Amundsen team but are 72 Nm behind them for the Pole. 142.5 Nm done, 607 Nm to go. They have done 21 Nm more than the Amundsen team but are 72 Nm behind them for the Pole.
Day 18, 20 November : They managed a very respectable 8.3 Nm for the day notwithstanding the white out conditions which last half the day and kept them inthe tent, and the harsh ground conditions. It’s another important day for the team as they pass the point where Captain Oates walked into oblivion 100 years ago, sacrificing himself so that Scott, Wilson and Bowers might have a better chance of survival.
Day 17, 19 November : Poignant day as they pass the place where the bodies of Scott, Bowers and Wilson were found, having tragically perished 100 years ago, just 11 miles from the next supply depot.
Day 16, 18 November : Another great day of progress as the guys hit their target of 11.3 Nm, equalling their best distance of yesterday. They are really up to speed now and making steady progress!
Day 15, 17 November : 112.3 Nm done today which 15.1 % of the whole journey.
Day 14, 16 November : 'Cracking day' because they notch 10.1 Nm, their best distance yet.
Day 13, 15 November : As for the Amundsen team, it's a rest day.
Day 12, 14 November : Not the best day so far, besides the fact that they finally could find a way out of the crevasse fields, relatively high temperatures makes the snow and ice not so easy to ski.
Day 11, 13 November : Quite a bad day today because the found themselves in anothee crevasse field. "Despite the tough going, the Scott team is happy with the 7.6 nautical miles and, as ever, morale seems high. Onwards, chaps, onwards..."