Cas & Jonesy : Final pusch as well
Published on 12.01.2012 - Cas & Jonesy : Crossing the Ice
Just as the other expeditioners on the way to Hercules Inlet, Australian pair Justin Jones and James Castrission is rushing towards the shore (Hercules Inlet). On 10 January, they had still 733 kil to go.
The final rush of the Australian pair Justin Jones and James Castrission won't be easy.
First : calculations show that they need to average a 46 kil pace per day in order to arrive at HI before 26 January, the deadline set by ALE for their last filght out of Antarctica. Even if on 9 January they have covered 43 kil in 11 hours their personal best so far. Covering that mileage every single day needs luck.
Second : both of them are very tired, even "extremely tired" as they wrote on 12 Januray on their Twitter page. And even if their general direction is downhill, they still have to experience some uphill parts of the voyage. Needless to say that "these uphill parts are somewhat disheartening".
Last : Both Cas and Jonesy are experiencing for two days now pain in their toes. And they think that this pain will not get better for the rest of the trek.
On 9 & 10 January, they have met both the ultramarathon runner Pat Farmer and TO Aleksander Gamme.