Exit Christina
Published on 04.04.2010 - North Pole Solo 2010
In front of a lead of more than five kilometers wide, Christina Franco had to give up. She does not regret anything.
On April 1st, Christina Franco has been blocked by a huge and endless lead with open waters all around. Here is what her press communiqué says about her abandon : "Christina updates us from weather station Eureka, after a difficult few days, and an impossible lead (wide open water) brings an early and unexpected end to the expedition, as Christina is collected from the ice by a passing supply plane, Thurs April 1.Reporting to Expedition HQ, after a period of difficult decision making, and without northerly progress, Christina discovers that her decision is made without regret, as the open water she is trapped by stretches many miles and will take days to freeze. Now safe and en route to London, Christina will continue to report, in words and pictures, on the last few days of her expedition, and plans for the future. Do leave your messages of support as comments using the form below. ... "