Gently does it!
Published on 23.06.2008 - Greenland Northward Expedition 2008
The two Finns, Pete Makela and Pete Vuorenmaa are just about the last ones still trekking across the Greenland icecap. They expect to arrive at Qaanaaq around mid-July. They are on schedule.
Covering ten kilometres one day, eighteen the next and fourteen the day after that, the Finnish duo is making what might be called 'stately' progress on its adventure.
The two companions have everything under control, though. They know that the final stage of their trip will not be easy, particularly regarding the weather, which is showing no sign of improvement. But they're not worried. They cover as much ground as they can each day and, in the evening, just before setting up camp, they reward themselves with a restorative cup of coffee Ãâ something that has become a regular ritual for them.
Nothing seems to bother them on their daily progress. In fact these two fellows appear to be born philosophers and take everything that crops up during the day with an admirable detachment which has not left them since they started out. This is no doubt one of the reasons why they are still in such good spirits, even though the average distance they cover each day is not much to write home about Ãâ and the weather some days has been nothing short of terrible.
They still have about 600 km left to cover.