“I get a confirmation that Alain is weird ...”
Published on 02.05.2009 - Hubert at the Humboldt
When Larry Hunt discovers that Alain Hubert is calling on his satellite phone the Sovereign Prince of Monaco Albert II (who is also visiting Greenland)
Their position yesteday (day 11) : 78° 36' 33" N / 66° 39' 59" W
From Larry Hunt's blog : "As we are lying in our sleeping bag this morning in our not so proud looking and greatly reduced tent which ceiling is a few inches from our nose, and after a night when the noise of the wind flapping our tent sounded like a bad drummer,I get a confirmation that Alain is weird when he tells me that this had been his best night and he slept like a baby!
"Shortly after occurs a surreal event: still lying in our very confined space, he tells me that he must turn his phone on as he has a telephonic appointment with Albert. I would soon find out that Albert is the prince of Monaco also currently visiting Greenland and with who Alain entertains a great relationship as they share the same passion with their foundations in defending polar causes.
"Prince Albert II visited the zero emission belgian base in Antarctica that Alain and its foundation IPF have been building (see the website of Princess Elizabeth station). Prince albert is also active with NRDC and International Polar Foundation (IPF) on an initiative from the Aspen Institute to work towards an international agreement to manage the Arctic.
Finally, as the wind dies we extract ourselves from our tent to find a beautiful day which we will take advantage of. as the terrain is slowly going down, we will cover 33 km in 10hrs. At the end of the day, we see rock mountains on the horizon which gave us a
feeling probably similar to the sailor who after having been at sea for a while sees land. ..."