“Slow and steady, chaps…”
Published on 01.12.2011 - The Scott Amundsen Centenary Race
Despite some bad days because of the wether conditions, both teams are doing well down there. Almost day after day, they beat their personal bests.
Amundsen Team
Day 29 (1 December) : 16.4 Nm on the counter (more than twice the distance covered in their worst day of travel), with 416 Nm still to go and 254.8 Nm already done.
Day 28 (30 November) : rest day for the team with material maintenance done during the day. 433 Nm yet to come and 238.4 Nm already behind.
Day 27 (29 November) : 12 Nm done, despite a lot of wind. 433 Nm yet to come and 238.4 Nm already behind.
Day 26 (28 November) : 15.5 Nm, yet another personal best, the fourth day in a row that the guys down there have either matched or exceeded their personal best. 538 Nm still to cover and 212.5 already covered. We also learn about the marvel that is Antarctic acclimatisation, achieved to the point where the guys now consider 0 degrees centigrade uncomfortable and too warm.
Day 25 (27 November) : 14.3 Nm, yet anotgher PB, miserable weather ending with this a bit unkind quote from Henri Worsley, taking about the guys of the other team : " I just can’t see Kev Johnson or Vic Vicary’s short, fat legs, however powerful, keep going at the rate required”. Note from the HQ : that’s definitely one for the ever-growing “Scott-Amundsen Race Top Ten Quotes".
Scott Team
Day 29 (1 December) : 13.2 Nm on the counter relatively warm conditions and bright sun, second record-breaking day for the team. 499 Nm to go, 251 Nm already travelled.
Day 28 (30 November) : 13 Nm covered. probably the hottest day so far with -1°C and bright sun. 513 Nm to go and 237.8 Nm behind them.
Day 27 (29 November) : 12.3 Nm done. 526 Nm to go and 224.8 done.
Day 26 (28 November) : 11.2 Nm, good weather and very little wind. 538 Nm to go and 212.5 already done.
Day 25 (27 November) : 11.1 Nm. 549 Nm to go to reach the South Pole and 201.2 Nm already travelled. Vic Vicary gives us that day a breakdown of the Scott team’s daily routine, from their 06.45 start to heads down at around 22.00, with a gruelling eight-hour march in between.