Weber and client : six days to go ?
Published on 12.01.2012 - South Pole and Back - Ski & Kite
Together with some other expeditions (Eide, Aston, Gamme, Cas & Jonesy, George, Basque trio), Richard Weber and his client Michael Archer are rushing to Hercules Inlet. Fortunately they have the kites to fly over the ice...
After two days waiting at the SP, the pair Weber/Archer decided to leave and ski towards HI. They had no more time to await Eole. It was a good idea because after few miles done on skis, they could lift their kite and progress with the wind. The day they left (8 January), they have covered an impressive 70 kil.
Sicen then, they make a good mileage : on 9 January, they covered 130 kil, averaging an impressive 20-302 kil/h! And of course, now that they are getting used to the handling of the kites, they find that kiting is a lot more fun than skiing. They even had the 'chance' to be airborne sometimes during the last few days.
On 10 January, their position was : 87°14' S - 83°48' W with a temperature of -22°C.
In his last update, Weber's son Tessum has written hat they need no more than 6 days to get to HI. But Richard and his client still have about 7 degrees in latitude to reach HI -which is about 777 kil (Hercules Inlet being at 80°5′ S - 78°30′W). That gives an average of about 50 kil each day. What about if the wind would suddenly drop for a few days ?