This section is featuring the latest news regarding adventure in the polar regions and from the expeditions we are following closely.
Worrisome batteries
Published on 16.03.2007 - The Arctic Arc
Yesterday, the team made excellent progress (20 km in 7, 5 hours) but there is still no good weather, no sun light and therefore no battery recharge in sight.
Same story for North Pole Quest
Published on 16.03.2007 - North Pole Quest
Richard Weber and his clients left the day after the other two expeditions (Liv/Ann and Rosie) were dropped off in Ward Hunt, that is on March 7th. And, like everyone else, they are undergoing great suffering.
Every day is a new day
Published on 15.03.2007 - The Arctic Arc
For the past 24 hours now, the mood within the Arctic Arc expedition has somewhat changed. Even though the two men are still moving along at a good pace, they are beginning to worry about how they will recharge their batteries.
Already three weeks on Baffin Island
Published on 15.03.2007 - Global Warming 101 Expedition
It has now been nearly three weeks that Will Steger's team has been off discovering the depths of the Baffin island. Three men and two women, along with three Inuit guides, have decided to pursue this adventure:
Resignation on account of frostbites ...
Published on 12.03.2007 - Arctic Ocean 2007
Together with female explorer Rosie Stancer, Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen took advantage of a favourable frame as they say in meteorological jargon, which opened up on March 6th, to be dropped off at the starting point of their trip.
On the ice
Published on 12.03.2007 - Mars North Pole Solo
Rosie Stancer was dropped off in Ward Hunt on March 6th â together with the two explorers Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen.
What a wonderful life ...
Published on 11.03.2007 - The Arctic Arc
Despite minor inconveniences -Alain has damaged his thermos and has some frostbites on his fingers- everything is running smoothly for the Belgian pair, and ice conditions remain pretty decent.
Zero visibility
Published on 09.03.2007 - The Arctic Arc
Today visibility was zero. Alain and Dixie could only advance 9.4 km after four hours of punishing effort. The ice remains thin and flat. The average thickness ranges from 20 to 40 cm and there is a slight snow cover of about 3 to 10 cm.
A very cold day
Published on 07.03.2007 - The Arctic Arc
Today it has been very cold, maybe the coldest day they have had so far. Alain and Dixie walked for five and a half hours and are now in their sleeping bags. It is -46°C outside, and probably inside the tent too. The windchill factor actually brings the temperature down to about -60°C while they are walking.
Day 6 of the Expedition, and their luck is holding
Published on 06.03.2007 - The Arctic Arc
Despite having to cross a few rather impressive leads (50-100m) they are having a good time, and averaging about 20 km a day. The ice is pretty thin (30cm average) but also flat, allowing them to progress quite rapidly. The bad weather cyclonic activity, forecasted by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute in St Petersburg, which was meant to take a hold on the area during the afternoon of the 2nd of March just touched them with the tail end on the 4th and 5th.